Ensuring a seamless shift to your new financial processes.

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We’re here to relieve you of the financial stress and responsibilities.

We’re here to take the financial burden off your shoulders. To get there, we’ve established a proven onboarding process for all our new customers that ensures a smooth transition to your new financial operation. We spend extra time with you to really dig into your organization, understanding what drives growth and how you want to view and measure financial performance.

The length of the onboarding process varies by service level. During that time, you’ll meet with your onboarding team and the people who will handle your account after onboarding. Since we spend so much extra time with you during onboarding, we double our price during those weeks.

Onboarding varies from four to six weeks, depending on the subscription you choose.

Here is a typical onboarding plan by subscription:

Virtual Accounting

  • Week 0: Kickoff meeting. Get organized, gain access to your systems, set meeting schedule. You are not charged for this week
  • Week 1: Review books & processes. Begin cleanup. Review chart of accounts. Connect to our apps.
  • Week 2: Continue cleanup. Draft updated chart of accounts. Begin updating processes
  • Week 3: Finalize chart of accounts. Complete cleanup. Begin monthly close.
  • Week 4: Close books, begin regular work
  • Go live with your new system!

Virtual Controller

  • Week 0: Kickoff meeting. Get organized, gain access to your systems, set meeting schedule. You are not charged for this week
  • Week 1: Review books & processes. Prepare draft budget & send template to you. Connect to our apps.
  • Week 2: You return template to us. Determine KPIs. Start monthly close.
  • Week 3: Load budget to our software and review. Continue working on monthly close.
  • Week 4: Finalize budget and KPIs. Complete close.
  • Go live with your new system!

Virtual CFO

  • Week 0: Kickoff meeting. Get organized, gain access to your systems, set meeting schedule. You are not charged for this week
  • Week 1&2: Review books & processes. Begin cleanup. Review chart of accounts. Connect to our apps.
  • Week 3&4: Continue cleanup. Draft updated chart of accounts. Begin updating processes
  • Week 5: Finalize chart of accounts. Complete cleanup. Begin monthly close. Start work on plan.
  • Week 6: Close books, collect data for financial plan
  • Week 7: Present initial draft of plan. Determine KPIs
  • Week 8: Finalize plan and KPIs
  • Go live with your new system


  • Conducting a kickoff meeting, followed by regular weekly meetings
  • Gaining access to your various accounting, banking, payroll, &
    operational systems
  • Collecting data
  • Reviewing and updating your current processes
  • Reviewing and updating your chart of accounts
  • Cleaning up your books to get us to a good starting point
  • Closing the books from the month prior to starting
  • Proposing and implementing any accounting changes to produce
    GAAP financials
  • Developing and implementing a 12-month plan and key KPIs
  • Developing and implementing financial reporting and dashboards
  • Providing meeting recaps and updates to you