Analyzing Balance Sheet Liabilities in a Small Business

balance sheet liabilities

Similar to the categorization of a company’s assets, liabilities are also divided into distinct subcategories. Typically, liabilities are categorized into two primary groups: current liabilities and long-term liabilities. When presented on a balance sheet, these liabilities are typically arranged in ascending order of their respective maturities, providing a quick overview of when they are due […]

How to Get a Smart Back Office That Ignites Expansion

How to Get a Smart Back Office That Ignites Expansion -2

How To Get A Smart Back Office That Ignites Expansion When we contemplate a “back office,” it frequently assumes a literal connotation. This practice originates from a traditional arrangement where sales, marketing, and other customer-centric functions were strategically positioned at the front of the office, while the administrative and operational staff responsible for day-to-day tasks […]

7 Emergency Measures for Cash Flow Challenges

Shortage of cash

Using the 7 Emergency Measures for Cash Flow Challenges According to Forbes, 70% of businesses fail because they can’t manage their cash flow well? In simple terms, cash flow issues occur when you’re spending more money than you’re actually making. So, if you find yourself in this tricky situation, you might struggle to cover payroll […]

How Much Does Small Business Bookkeeping Services Cost?

How Much Does Small Business Bookkeeping Services Cost

Congratulations on Your Business Growth! Why Your Expanding Back Office Might Require Enhanced Bookkeeping Support! How Much Does Small Business Bookkeeping Services Cost? How Much Should You Be Spending for Monthly Bookkeeping Cost for Small Businesses and Nonprofits? The bookkeeping expenses for a small business or nonprofit can vary widely, influenced by multiple factors. These […]

Do Profits Equal Profitability? Monitor Profits to Discover

Do Profits Equal Profitability

Do Profits Equal Profitability?  Aside from following your passion, the primary motive for launching a business is usually to generate profits. Every business owner understands the need to focus on profits, which can be easily calculated using the formula: However, merely tracking profits can be misleading, as profits do not always equate to true profitability. […]

When a business is losing money rapidly…

When a business is losing money rapidly 1

It’s as if the money is flying out the door Tracking where the money goes in a business can be challenging. Even with high sales figures, the bottom line on the Profit & Loss Report and bank balance may not match up. A simple visual can help identify where the difference between income and expenditure […]



Percentages reveal far more insights than raw numbers alone. One successful entrepreneur, who recently sold a service business, emphasized how focusing on percentages transformed his future and played a significant role in his achievements: “Previously, I would go through the numbers provided by my accountant,” explained the owner of a $2.5 million dollar business, “and […]

Small business Cash Flow Management


  TOPICS OF DISCUSSION -7 Steps for starting a small business cash flow strategy – What is small business cash flow? – How does cash flow affect a small business? – How can cash flow help a business grow? – How to manage cash flow in a small business? – How much cash flow should […]

How to measure your profitability in the service industry


How to measure profitability in your service-based business and set revenue targets to ensure consistent profitability and growth. How To Measure Your Profitability In The Service Industry The best targets to improve your service-based business are with the 3x model. How to measure profitability: The 3x model states that your revenue should be equal to […]

How More Profit Increases Business


How More Profit Increases Business value and growth. Discover strategies to boost profits and maximize your business’s sale value. Act now! How More Profit Increases Business Success Regular clients receive up to 51% improvement in their profits. How More Profit Increases Business Success: If you’re thinking of getting out of your business in the next […]

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Are you as profitable as you could be?

Get our “7 Leading Drivers that Impact Profit & Cash Flow” to find the hidden profits and cash in your business!